
Welcome to the Official website of Devi Vilasom Upper Primary School Thazhathu Kulakkada താഴത്തുകുളക്കട ഡി വി യു പി സ്കൂളിന്റെ ഔദ്യോഗിക വെബ്‌ സൈറ്റിലെക്കു ഏവര്ക്കും സ്വാഗതം
 “Dear students, you made us successful through your results and achievements. Our journey with you may stop here, but for you, it is the beginning of your life. Be dedicated to your work.
Every unique skill and talent has the potential to make you a superstar. Embrace your personality and unchain your inner strength. Don’t forget – the one thing that all successful people have in common is that they were different than everyone around them. *We wish you a successful life. *”